What is Compassion Key

As my work is rooted in love and compassion, I have integrated the tool of Compassion Key.

Compassion key is a very effective way of healing emotional issues, impressions, and experiences that are affecting and limiting your life; whether you are aware of them or not.

Compassion Key can heal any impression or negative feeling. Some examples would be a feeling or experience of being: unworthy, abandoned, betrayed, abused or mistreated, neglected, unloved or unlovable, alone, unseen, weak, forgotten, broken, or damaged.

Letting go of these emotional impressions is Healing. It’s like shaking off the layers of dirt or mud that you have accumulated through your life, to reveal the Real Soul of You, that has been there all along.

Picture a light trying to shine through a lens with dirt or mud on it. The picture (which represents your life) is distorted! When you remove the dirt and mud, the Full light of your Soul can shine through! The full light of you is free to create a happier life.

The emotional issues and impressions that we carry with us through life, not only affect how we think and feel, but they also affect our choices; how we act and react in the world. They affect our Relationships, Physical Health, Finances, Work/career, Personal/Spiritual Growth, Self-Confidence /Self-Love, and our Habits or Addictions.

Our Beliefs, Thoughts, and Feelings, affect our whole life experience! But, we can change them. One big way to change them is to heal what is negatively affecting us.

The truth is, we can’t just Think and Label our emotions away. We need to meet them with Love and Compassion to Release and to Heal them. We will Feel Better and experience Relief. We can then make new and better choices in all areas of our lives.

When we release the emotions of pain and struggle, we can stop creating more of the same.Compassion Key involves sending healing Love and Compassion inward to ourselves for whatever negative feeling or issue that is present in our lives.

Whatever we meet with Compassion Dissolves. There is a Short Form and a Long Form Technique of Compassion Key.

It’s a tool that you can learn to do for yourself. It’s a gift you can give yourself anytime and anywhere. When you Feel Better, you Act Better!
You can improve how you feel about yourself, be more Confident, improve your Relationships, be more productive at Work or Home, be less stressed, become Healthier, improve your Finances, and release Addictions and Unhealthy Habits.

Compassion Key always works. Just keep in mind, that we can’t fully heal an impression while hanging on to a perceived benefit; ie, playing the victim, hanging on to anger to “protect” us will Limit our healing. You just need to be WILLING to let go of what is holding you back with Love and Acceptance.

Love and Compassion Heals.
Schedule compassion key session